Unit 17
By completing this unit you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge about a range of graphic products and their purpose. You will be able to communicate effectively with clients and know how to use software creatively. In addition, you will be able to demonstrate the principles of good graphic design; this will be evident from the range of work you produce.
There are 4 AOs for this unit:
AO1 Analyse 4 graphic design products (posters, adverts, flyers, magazine covers etc)
Deadline Jan 21st (2 weeks)
AO2 Respond to a client brief with drafts for 3 linked graphic design products
Deadline Feb 4th - (2 weeks) client meetings will take place on the 5th
AO3 Produce final versions of the 3 graphic design products for client
Deadline Mar 8th - (4 weeks)
AO4 Evaluate the graphic design products
(1 week)
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