Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Unit 17 AOB 3 - Produce final versions of graphic design products

1. Re-post your production schedule showing where you have revised the times etc. Do the revisions in a red pen - or something that stands out. (I understand this is tricky as you haven't followed a production plan. Just print it off, cross out a couple of date and move them a day/week, and add anything more that was discussed in the presentation.)

2. Create your 3 final versions

3. You will present the final designs to the clients again and record/present the feedback.             
   Presentations will take place on Thurs 28th Feb

Assessment for Distinction
Candidates’ revisions to their production plan or ideas show a clear and effective response to client feedback. 
The final versions of their graphic design products are technically and aesthetically sound, showing an effective and imaginative use of graphic design software. 
The work shows that the conventions of design and layout have been creatively applied. 
They present the products to client and record detailed feedback.