Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Unit 17 AOB 4 - Evaluate the graphic design product

Final Deadline for Unit 17 is Friday March 8th

When writing your evaluation of the unit, refer to the following:

1. Fitness for purpose and appeal to target audience. (referring to specific elements fo the products).
2. Three references to the clients feedback.
3. Comparison of your product wth professional versons.
4 Explain and evaluate your choice of equipment and software.
5 Describe how you responded to the client.
6 Suggest a range of improvements. 

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Assessment for Distinction
Candidates make a detailed evaluation covering fitness for purpose and appeal to target audience, referring to specific parts of the graphic design products.
It makes a number of references to client feedback. 
They compare their products with professional items. 
They explain and evaluate their choice of equipment and software. 
They describe how they responded to the client and suggest a range of improvements.