AOB 5.
This final assessment requires you to evaluate feedback about the new media product and the advertising campaign
Approx 500wrds
* * * * * * * *
Make sure you have your FEEDBACK handy...
What to write:
Introduction: discuss what you were marketing.
How did you go about it?
Why would your idea stand out apart from other similar products?
What potential improvements have been flagged up in your feedback?
Your report must identify potential improvements to your promotional material and the marketing plan based on audience feedback.
It must be well presented and make appropriate use of images to convey meaning.
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Unit 4 AOB 4 - Presentation of Campaign
You are to present your marketing plan and campaign to the group.
The presentations will take place on Friday the 30th of November.
Run through your presentation before you deliver. Make sure that you have evidence and answers for the following points as you will be asked questions abou them:
Is there a clear understanding of the market?
Are the aims of the marketing plan clear?
Do the dates for the campaign relate to key events in the year?
Is the marketing material legal and ethical?
Why would / wouldn’t the ads appeal to the target audience?
You are to present your marketing plan and campaign to the group.
The presentations will take place on Friday the 30th of November.
Run through your presentation before you deliver. Make sure that you have evidence and answers for the following points as you will be asked questions abou them:
Is there a clear understanding of the market?
Are the aims of the marketing plan clear?
Do the dates for the campaign relate to key events in the year?
Is the marketing material legal and ethical?
Why would / wouldn’t the ads appeal to the target audience?
Do any of the ads show originality?
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Feedback must be gathered during the presentation so that it can be evaluated for the next assessment objective.
You may wish to create an AOB 4 post that includes on the items you need for the presentation. This will make the presentation much mor straightforward.
Presentation feedback sheet
Witness Statement
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Feedback must be gathered during the presentation so that it can be evaluated for the next assessment objective.
You may wish to create an AOB 4 post that includes on the items you need for the presentation. This will make the presentation much mor straightforward.
Presentation feedback sheet
Witness Statement
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Final part of AOB 3
Media Nationals Level 3 Unit 4.
Final part of AOB 3
Deadline: Mon 26th of Nov @ 15.20hrs.
Production Diary
Task 1.
Take 10 dates from Sept 5 - Nov 25th
On the first date, make you state that you met with the client (Mr H) and that you yourself chose the types of ads and promotion.
Then for the remainder of the dates, write an account of what you produced on these days leading up to the final pieces
Include a few screen shots of work in progress
Final part of AOB 3
Deadline: Mon 26th of Nov @ 15.20hrs.
Production Diary
Task 1.
Take 10 dates from Sept 5 - Nov 25th
On the first date, make you state that you met with the client (Mr H) and that you yourself chose the types of ads and promotion.
Then for the remainder of the dates, write an account of what you produced on these days leading up to the final pieces
Include a few screen shots of work in progress
Monday, 5 November 2012
AOB 3 Unit 4 - Advertisement and Promotion production
Deadline: Tues 20th November @15.20hrs
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Create examples of
Direct advertising (e.g. Email, Facebook ads, SMS *text*, Hyperlinked we banners, QR codes, insert media *flyers, coupons* - Things that need a response)
Indirect advertising (e.g. TV commercials, Billboard posters, Adverts in magazines - things that require/seek no response)
Promotion (e.g. Merchandise, free items, lanyards, magazine articles, posters for free events)
Direct advertising (e.g. Email, Facebook ads, SMS *text*, Hyperlinked we banners, QR codes, insert media *flyers, coupons* - Things that need a response)
Indirect advertising (e.g. TV commercials, Billboard posters, Adverts in magazines - things that require/seek no response)
Promotion (e.g. Merchandise, free items, lanyards, magazine articles, posters for free events)
Keep a production diary that consists of 2 or more meetings.
Keep a production diary that consists of 2 or more meetings.
Write a statement of contributions to production.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Helpsheet is for different typesof marketing is here
Sophie's Exemplar Unit 4 blog
For Distinction... (assessment grid is here)
You are to:
Provide evidence showing that you have worked in a team or individually to produce examples of direct advertising, indirect advertising and a promotion.
The ads are legal and ethical and are clearly related to the product and will appeal to the target audience.
One of the adverts/promotions shows originality.
Production diaries detail the meetings the you attend and the roles, also the decisions made on the type of adverts/promotions produced.
Provide an extensive list of the contributions to content and editing.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Helpsheet is for different typesof marketing is here
Sophie's Exemplar Unit 4 blog
You are to:
Provide evidence showing that you have worked in a team or individually to produce examples of direct advertising, indirect advertising and a promotion.
The ads are legal and ethical and are clearly related to the product and will appeal to the target audience.
One of the adverts/promotions shows originality.
Production diaries detail the meetings the you attend and the roles, also the decisions made on the type of adverts/promotions produced.
Provide an extensive list of the contributions to content and editing.
Sunday, 21 October 2012
AOB 2 Unit 4 - Marketing plan
Marketing Plan AOB 2
Deadline - Friday 9th of Nov @ 15.20hrs
Use the headings below for your plan.
Description of Product
Briefly discuss the product being marketed. What is it about he product that will drive or be the focus of the campaign?
Marketing Mix
List the elements of the marketing mix you will be ustilising:
e.g.(The following example is for a band’s new album - replace them with appropriate elements.)TV Promotion (adverts, talk shows, guest appearances, live performances)
Music download services - iTunes, SPotify, Amazon MP3 etc
Music Store promotions - live guest performance, cardboard cutouts, interviews on in-store radio
Social Networks - Twitter? Facebook
Print ads - billboards, flyers
Music Magazines - adverts, interviews, reviews
Website promotion
Single release
Aims of the campaign
Briefly discuss what you are attempting to achieve - obviously it will include creating revenue but may also involve raising the profile, finding new audiences, keeping old audiences, repositioning a product
Review of the Current Market
Complete the SWOT analysis of the market - see below for an example.
SWOT stands for - Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities / Threats
Potential Market
You may create a similar sheet to the NME target audience, or just write a paragraph. What does your typical audience member look like?, what do they wear, drink, eat, say, listen to , damount of isposable income etc etc
Include reference to the audience being either
niche, local and national or global
!! Remember that it as to include an example of Direct, Indirect and Promotion. !!
TV promotion
Describe the ad, possibly provide a moodboard or storyboard as sample material.
Music download services
Screenshoot the iTunes, Spotify store and place your draft in the place of another. Describe the benefits of advertising here
Music Magazines
Scan a double page of a suitable music magazine and place a draft within the pages.
Describe the benefits of advertising here
Social Media
Screenshoot Facebook / Youtube / Twitter and place an in the relevant place on the page. Make sure you format your ads for their relevant destination. Describe the benefits of advertising here
Marketing Schedule
Produce a marketing schedule (see example here) that outlines the dates of your plan. Your plan should take into consideration key dates of the year and should be rolled out over a buid-up period. Start with teasers on social network maybe?
Gaining feedback
Explain the methods you will use to gain feedback about your ideas. How about focus group? Questionnaire? Facebook / Twitter? Interviews?
Just write a paragraph about this.
Explain the role of these official bodies: Notes for this are here
Audit Bureau of Circulation
Legal and ethical constraints identified: including the role of the ASA______________________________________________________________ end of AOB 2.
Pass notes.
Produce a marketing plan that includes a review of the market place and the target audience.
Describe the aims of the plan.
Schedule has to show the dates of release for the adverts/promotions and the new product.
Describe the methods that were used to gain feedback.
Explain of the role of official bodies in connection with market research and the content of adverts.
Exemplar Unit 4 blog
SWOT stands for - Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities / Threats

Wednesday, 17 October 2012
A few changes to your blog set up
Please could you do the following for all your course blogs asap.
1. Log into your blog settings.
2. Under SETTINGS go to 'Post and Comments'
make sure Showcase Images in Lightbox is set to NO
Click 'Save Settings'
3. Go to 'Mobile and Email'
in 'Email Posts to' copy and paste my email
Click 'Save Settings'
Now do this for all of your active course blogs.
Friday, 5 October 2012
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
AOB 1 Unit 4 - Analysis of a Campaign
Assignment to be assessed:
Analyse the marketing campaign for one professional media product.
In preparation you should investigate the marketing campaign for three current media products you enjoy. You could investigate a new film and discuss how it has been advertised through posters, magazine articles, interviews with the stars on chat shows, websites and merchandising.
For your assignment work you may decide to investigate a media product of the same genre as the one you planned and produced for Units 2 and 3.
Assignment 1.
1. Read through the presentation below. These should allow you to understand the marketing mix.
2. Read through the JD sports example below.
3. Research a product of your own choosing Use the JD example as a template for your own research.
You must include the following:
Images of the product and target audience
A detailed description of the product
An extensive range of pricing and outlets
Explain how the product has been marketed
Comment on how successful the campaign has been
Analyse the marketing campaign for one professional media product.
In preparation you should investigate the marketing campaign for three current media products you enjoy. You could investigate a new film and discuss how it has been advertised through posters, magazine articles, interviews with the stars on chat shows, websites and merchandising.
For your assignment work you may decide to investigate a media product of the same genre as the one you planned and produced for Units 2 and 3.
Assignment 1.
1. Read through the presentation below. These should allow you to understand the marketing mix.
2. Read through the JD sports example below.
3. Research a product of your own choosing Use the JD example as a template for your own research.
You must include the following:
Images of the product and target audience
A detailed description of the product
An extensive range of pricing and outlets
Explain how the product has been marketed
Comment on how successful the campaign has been
Unit 4 Assessment Grid - Marketing media and audience feedback
By completing this unit, you will understand the different aspects of marketing and how it is done professionally. You will know how to investigate research by media producers and official research bodies.
create their own marketing plans
produce advertisements and promotions to support a campaign
gain feedback from an audience about the advertising campaign and products
evaluate feedback about the media products.
Deadline: Friday 14th December 2012
Deadline: Friday 14th December 2012
Friday, 21 September 2012
AOB 6 (Music Press) Regulation
By completing this assessment objective you will gain an understanding in to the roles and responsibilities of regulatory bodies in relation to the press.
By completing this assessment objective you will gain an understanding in to the roles and responsibilities of regulatory bodies in relation to the press.
Until the links below are unblocked, read this article a few times. You will be tested during period 3.
Notes from the exercise are here.
Type up your answers and post to your blog.
* * * * *
Karla Task:
Having reminded yourself of the Stephen Gately article by Jan Moir in the Daily Mail, write a short essay (approx. 300 wrds) that evidences your understanding of the role of the PCC in this particular case.
Timeline of events here
Thursday, 6 September 2012
AOB 5 Distribution and Ownership (Music Press)
This is a task that requires you to use your research skills. You can begin by attemoting to find out more information about the company that owns the NME. Let the questions provide a framework for your writing.
Task 1
Use the questions below to structure a post about the ownership and distribution of the NME...
Who owns and distributes the NME?
Who owns (the company above)?
...and who owns them?
In terms of media ownership, how big are (the owners of the owners of IPC)?
(You Could do this visually with another pie chart.)
Give a small cross section of the others titles IPC own and distribute.
Task 2
Read This handout and bullet-point the main parts. There are many interesting points. *
Task 3
Read THIS page and bullet-point the main parts.
Task 4
The NME has a website. Take a look HERE
Why would the audience buy the NME when they could take a look at the site? What are the simiarities / differences? Why would NME embrace the web in the first place? has startling readership figures. Read THIS
Summarise why you believe has these figure.
How has the NME embraced digital media in other ways? What are the benefits of this?
Monday, 16 July 2012
AOB 2 (Music Press) Structure
Link to slideshow
Aim: By completing this task you will be able to describe the structure of a music magazine using correct terminology.
Study the slideshow.
Task 1. Complete this FLAT PLAN writing in the content of every page in the magazine.
Consider the 'flow' of the pages. Is it consistent with other magazine you have read?
This is a Narrative Convention
Task 2. Write a blog entry explaining the beginning / middle / end of the magazine.
This page structure is repeated in the majority of magazines. Write about why this is the case.
Task 3. Look at the way the magazine is split up in to adverts and editorial. Create a pie chart that reveals the weighting. Split the editorial side of the pie into news, interviews, features etc etc.
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
AOB 4 (Music Press) Representation
By completing this task you should be able to:- discuss how an artiste can be represented in different way for different outcomes
- understand how this is achieved
- reflect on the effect this has on the target audience
Who is Stephen Gately? ...he's here
Read Jan Moir's original article in the Daily Mail hereThen look at the write-up of the Moir article in the Guardian here and Charlie Brooker's interpretation here
Write a short essay (400 wrds ish) that includes:
- a description of the Stephen Gately article
- the counter argument i.e, why the public reacted so strongly
- discuss the audience of both the Daily Mail and the Guardian newspapers and comment on how this effects the content of the articles
Monday, 9 July 2012
AOB 5 (Music Video) DIstribution and Ownership
Aim: by completing this assessment you will be able to understand distribution channels and ownership patterns within the media sector.
To be awarded a distinction you must:
- compare a wide range of distribution channels and ownership patterns.
- compare using a range of criteria and assess the effectiveness of different methods of distribution and of ownership patterns.
Read through the presentation below.
Undertaking independent research and using the web, create a set of presentation slides for your blog that evidence your understanding of the following:
- Artists on Major Labels / Artists with Vanity labels / Artists on Independent Labels
- Pros and Cons of being on a Major Label
- Pros and Cons of being on an Independent Label
Next, study this 'one-sheet' for the Artiste Ava Lamert
- Create your very own distributors 'One-Sheet' - either using your unit 2 CD design or an existing band.
Thursday, 5 July 2012
AOB 6 Regulation (Music Video)
By completing this assessment objective you will gain an understanding in to the roles and responsibilities of regulatory bodies in relation to Music Videos.
1.Watch the Rihanna music video below that is part of the Regulation playlist.
Read about the function of Ofcom
2. Watch the remainder of the videos on the playlist.
Make notes whilst watching them as to why you believe they have been included in the list.
By completing this assessment objective you will gain an understanding in to the roles and responsibilities of regulatory bodies in relation to Music Videos.
1.Watch the Rihanna music video below that is part of the Regulation playlist.
Read about the function of Ofcom
Study this document regarding a complaint to Ofcom that featues the Video.
Link to rule 1.3
Write a short essay discussing the case and whether you agree or disagree with the outcome reached by Ofcom.
Link to rule 1.3
Write a short essay discussing the case and whether you agree or disagree with the outcome reached by Ofcom.
2. Watch the remainder of the videos on the playlist.
Make notes whilst watching them as to why you believe they have been included in the list.
Monday, 2 July 2012
AOB 4 Music Video (Representation)
Aim: By completing this task you should be able to:
- discuss how an artiste can be represented in different way for different outcomes
- understand how this is achieved
- reflect on the effect this has on the target audience
- comprehend both the 'Effects model' and 'Uses and Gratifications theory'
- Complete this worksheet whilst watching the four videos in the playlist below.
- Read this helpsheet on audience effects.
- When you have done that, use this essay starter sheet.
Thursday, 28 June 2012
AOB 3 (Music Press) Creating meaning
NME analysis.
Task 1: Place both old and new images on a Photoshop
doc, Powerpoint or straight on your blog.
You are to discuss how meaning is created….basically,
how the covers communicate.
To do this you will have to take a look at various
elements of the covers.
Intro - Talk about what you are attempting to do.
Paragraph 1 - Talk about the new NME cover.
What audience
is this magazine aimed at? How
can we tell?
Mode of address (manner and tone)?
How does the copy appeal to its audience?
Aspirations of audience?
The content it promises?
What messages and values are being communicated?
Describe the typical ‘reader profile’
Include these…
Masthead – typefaces, colour, size, placement
Feature Article – headline, rhetorical questions
Cover lines – amount, address, size, typeface, exclusives,
Photography – Studio/Live, edited, subject, treatment, background, body language
(try denotation and connotation)
Layout – Busy, sparse, gridded, slanted, effects, emphasis on image or text, strapline,
Paragraph 2 - Talk about the new Old cover. Use the
same points as above.
Conclusion – Discuss the main differences and similarities.
Task 2: Copy and paste the magazine that you completed for uiti 2 into this post.
Task 2: Copy and paste the magazine that you completed for uiti 2 into this post.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
AOB 1 (Music Press) Changing genre, History
Below are the notes for the NME 'Inky Fingers' documentary. Use them to augment your own notes when you write this up.
Mags History notes...
1731 gentlemen's magazine - draw images - no cams and DTP, no girls. Loads of text.
1885 Good housekeeping - keep husband happy
1897 - Vogue... similar conventions (name them), ladies - but drawn, articles on royalty, position of women in society.
Marylyn 1955 Cleleb photos, articles on how to get your man
Nova - 1960s, change in womens lives, different roles
Mens mags were generally niche magazines, cars, foottie, fishing,
1986 Arena. General lifestyle mag eventually out for men. Stared with men on cover, then resorted to a woman.
Modern Representation of Girls: white, young, slim, perfect teeth and skin, 1996 first black model on Vogue, apart from Health and Fitness mags who had been doing it for ages.
NME Notes
NME 1952 Non-glossy, tabloid format. Owned by IPC.
Journalists would write about pop, and be really nice about the bands and artistes.
Morris Kinn first editor, first to feature singles chart
Massive in the 60s, huge circulation, still a cosy relationship with bands
NME 1969 audeince had changed and become self aware teenagers, soft dugs resort to hard drugs /
peace and love resorts to violence - spiky attitude and harsh writing won back its readers
Alan Smith joins as editor, large 300,000 circulation by 1973
Gonzo journalism is standard.
Nick Kent wanted to write like Lester Bangs. Wrote for FRENDZ mag. He states he once wrote copy on toilet paper as he had to get it in on time.
New young writer Charles Shaar Murray wrote for OZ prior to NME
New influx of writers that wrote in a similar way to Rolling Stone magazine 'loud fast and funny'
Nick Logan began as editor in 1973 aged 26 - brought in the uncluttered cover and made the paper a more hipper and questioning proposition.
Penny Smith photographer, big images due to crappy paper.
Age of the supergroup and prog. ELP, Genesis
the along comes Punk... 1976
1976 Advert for '2 young hip gunslingers' to cover the Punk scene, joiurnalists - Julie Burchill and Tony Parsons joined and changed the direction and tone of the paper. When reviewing bands they were either at your feet or at your throat.
The only place to really find out about punk - only place to see it happen, was in the NME. not in papers, tv or even gigs...
Liked The Clash and Sex Pistols
Really odd Politically Correct attitude - Stranglers song 'Peaches on the beaches' didn't impress Burchill
Generation X too clean
Neil Spencer new editior redesign the paper.
Tony and Julie had moved out but were still just about writing for the paper
Kent, McDOnald, Burchill and Parsons out..., new talent needed to be brought in
Nick Logan went to smash hits... then the Face magazine to cover booming New Romantic scene.
NME dazed and bemused.... who do we speak for... readers decline
Barney Hoskins, Paolo Hewitt, what do we write about? Punks gone... now - 2-tone, new order
Paul Morley wrote about Manchester Fall, Buzzcocks, New Order
Morley and Penman were new double act (before this we had seen Kent and Charles Shaar Murray, also Burchill and Parsons)
NME has now become political and intellectual ....the form, the writing style of what they wrote was deemed very important. Philosophy and culture were covered.
Article of youth suicide, very daring writing very audacious, very small audience, but meant a lot to a small audience. What other publication aimed at a youth market could do this?
Mid 80s, Thatcher's yuppie, laddy culture . NME supports red wedge, Labour movement, lots of folks out of work due to Tory government, CND extremely political.
IPC were very unhappy abut political content
Been there 7 Years, then Spencer left
NME hip hop wars. Hip hop, soul or rock? Many thought hip-hop was just a fad, why have black artists on the cover? we appeal to a white audience.
Two thirds of audience left.
Neil Kinnock on the cover IPC were again not impressed.
IPC stepped in and took control. Overnight paper was changed, lots of journalists left.
IPC got in Alan Lewis. Populist editor after higher circulation. T'Pau on cover. BIgger readership.
Now it's instantly non political, less 'hip', more middle-of-road (MOR)
James Brown on board as journalist
Steve lamaq - 'camden lurch' made up genres.
Kevin Cummins photographed Mondays
NME put Morrissey on cover for any reason
A long way form the revolution of the 70s, they were in love with sales
John Harris 'Killed the dad' by putting Morrissey on cover and stated that he was a fascist
Conor Mcnochols got Morrissey back after 12 years of not speaking to the paper.
So many mags have folded along the way. Everybody has their own period of NME that they love.
NME survived by being a chameleon and changing with the tastes of its audience. .
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