Thursday, 28 June 2012

AOB 3 (Music Press) Creating meaning

NME analysis.

Task 1: Place both old and new images on a Photoshop doc, Powerpoint or straight on your blog.
You are to discuss how meaning is created….basically, how the covers communicate.
To do this you will have to take a look at various elements of the covers.

Intro - Talk about what you are attempting to do.
Paragraph 1 - Talk about the new NME cover.

What audience is this magazine aimed at?  How can we tell?
Mode of address (manner and tone)?
How does the copy appeal to its audience?  
Aspirations of audience?
The content it promises?
What messages and values are being communicated?
Describe the typical ‘reader profile’

Include these…
Mastheadtypefaces, colour, size, placement
Feature Article headline, rhetorical questions
Cover lines amount, address, size, typeface, exclusives,
PhotographyStudio/Live, edited, subject, treatment, background, body language
        (try denotation and connotation)
Layout Busy, sparse, gridded, slanted, effects, emphasis on image or text, strapline, branding

Paragraph 2 - Talk about the new Old cover. Use the same points as above.

Conclusion – Discuss the main differences and similarities.

Task 2: Copy and paste the magazine that you completed for uiti 2 into this post.