Thursday, 6 September 2012

AOB 5 Distribution and Ownership (Music Press)

By completing this task you will have an understanding of Distribution channels and Ownership patterns within the music industry.

This is a task that requires you to use your research skills. You can begin by attemoting to find out more information about the company that owns the NME.  Let the questions provide a framework for your writing.

Task 1
Use the questions below to structure a post about the ownership and distribution of the NME...

Who owns and distributes the NME?

Who owns (the company above)?

...and who owns them?

In terms of media ownership, how big are (the owners of the owners of IPC)?
(You Could do this visually with another pie chart.)

Give a small cross section of the others titles IPC own and distribute.

Task 2
Read This handout and bullet-point the main parts.  There are many interesting points. *

Task 3
Read THIS page and bullet-point the main parts.

Task 4
The NME has a website. Take a look HERE
Why would the audience buy the NME when they could take a look at the site? What  are the simiarities / differences? Why would NME embrace the web in the first place? has startling readership figures. Read THIS
Summarise why you believe has these figure.

How has the NME embraced digital media in other ways?  What are the benefits of this?