Marketing Plan AOB 2
Deadline - Friday 9th of Nov @ 15.20hrs
Use the headings below for your plan.
Description of Product
Briefly discuss the product being marketed. What is it about he product that will drive or be the focus of the campaign?
Marketing Mix
List the elements of the marketing mix you will be ustilising:
e.g.(The following example is for a band’s new album - replace them with appropriate elements.)TV Promotion (adverts, talk shows, guest appearances, live performances)
Music download services - iTunes, SPotify, Amazon MP3 etc
Music Store promotions - live guest performance, cardboard cutouts, interviews on in-store radio
Social Networks - Twitter? Facebook
Print ads - billboards, flyers
Music Magazines - adverts, interviews, reviews
Website promotion
Single release
Aims of the campaign
Briefly discuss what you are attempting to achieve - obviously it will include creating revenue but may also involve raising the profile, finding new audiences, keeping old audiences, repositioning a product
Review of the Current Market
Complete the SWOT analysis of the market - see below for an example.
SWOT stands for - Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities / Threats
Potential Market
You may create a similar sheet to the NME target audience, or just write a paragraph. What does your typical audience member look like?, what do they wear, drink, eat, say, listen to , damount of isposable income etc etc
Include reference to the audience being either
niche, local and national or global
!! Remember that it as to include an example of Direct, Indirect and Promotion. !!
TV promotion
Describe the ad, possibly provide a moodboard or storyboard as sample material.
Music download services
Screenshoot the iTunes, Spotify store and place your draft in the place of another. Describe the benefits of advertising here
Music Magazines
Scan a double page of a suitable music magazine and place a draft within the pages.
Describe the benefits of advertising here
Social Media
Screenshoot Facebook / Youtube / Twitter and place an in the relevant place on the page. Make sure you format your ads for their relevant destination. Describe the benefits of advertising here
Marketing Schedule
Produce a marketing schedule (see example here) that outlines the dates of your plan. Your plan should take into consideration key dates of the year and should be rolled out over a buid-up period. Start with teasers on social network maybe?
Gaining feedback
Explain the methods you will use to gain feedback about your ideas. How about focus group? Questionnaire? Facebook / Twitter? Interviews?
Just write a paragraph about this.
Explain the role of these official bodies: Notes for this are here
Audit Bureau of Circulation
Legal and ethical constraints identified: including the role of the ASA______________________________________________________________ end of AOB 2.
Pass notes.
Produce a marketing plan that includes a review of the market place and the target audience.
Describe the aims of the plan.
Schedule has to show the dates of release for the adverts/promotions and the new product.
Describe the methods that were used to gain feedback.
Explain of the role of official bodies in connection with market research and the content of adverts.
Exemplar Unit 4 blog
SWOT stands for - Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities / Threats