Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Unit 4 AOB 4 - Presentation of Campaign

You are to present your marketing plan and campaign to the group.
The presentations will take place on Friday the 30th of November.

Run through your presentation before you deliver.  Make sure that you have evidence and answers for the following points as you will be asked questions abou them:

Is there a clear understanding of the market?
Are the aims of the marketing plan clear?
Do the dates for the campaign relate to key events in the year?
Is the marketing material legal and ethical?
Why would / wouldn’t the ads appeal to the target audience?
Do any of the ads show originality?

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Feedback must be gathered during the presentation so that it can be evaluated for the next assessment objective.

You may wish to create an AOB 4 post that includes on the items you need for the presentation. This will make the presentation much mor straightforward.

Presentation feedback sheet

Witness Statement

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Final part of AOB 3

Media Nationals Level 3 Unit 4.
Final part of AOB 3

Deadline: Mon 26th of Nov @ 15.20hrs.
Production Diary

Task 1.
Take 10 dates from Sept 5 - Nov 25th
On the first date, make you state that you met with the client (Mr H) and that you yourself chose the types of ads and promotion.
Then for the remainder of the dates, write an account of what you produced on these days leading up to the final pieces

Include a few screen shots of work in progress

Monday, 5 November 2012

AOB 3 Unit 4 - Advertisement and Promotion production

Deadline: Tues 20th November @15.20hrs

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Create examples of
Direct advertising (e.g. Email, Facebook ads, SMS *text*, Hyperlinked we banners,  QR codes, insert media *flyers, coupons* - Things that need a response)

Indirect advertising (e.g. 
TV commercials, Billboard posters, Adverts in magazines - things that require/seek no response)

Promotion (e.g. Merchandise, free items, lanyards, magazine articles, posters for free events)

Keep a production diary that consists of 2 or more meetings.
Write a statement of contributions to production.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Helpsheet is for different typesof marketing is here

Sophie's Exemplar Unit 4 blog

For Distinction... (assessment grid is here)

You are to:
Provide evidence showing that you have worked in a team or individually to produce examples of direct advertising, indirect advertising and a promotion. 
The ads are legal and ethical and are clearly related to the product and will appeal to the target audience. 
One of the adverts/promotions shows originality. 
Production diaries detail the meetings the you attend and the roles, also the decisions made on the type of adverts/promotions produced. 
Provide an extensive list of the contributions to content and editing.