Monday, 16 July 2012

AOB 2 (Music Press) Structure

Link to slideshow

Aim: By completing this task you will be able to describe the structure of a music magazine using correct terminology.

Study the slideshow.

Task 1. Complete this FLAT PLAN writing in the content of every page in the magazine.

Consider the 'flow' of the pages.  Is it consistent with other magazine you have read?
This is a Narrative Convention

Task 2. Write a blog entry explaining the beginning / middle / end of the magazine.
This page structure is repeated in the majority of magazines. Write about why this is the case.

Task 3. Look at the way the magazine is split up in to adverts and editorial. Create a pie chart that reveals the weighting. Split the editorial side of the pie into news, interviews, features etc etc.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

AOB 4 (Music Press) Representation

By completing this task you should be able to:
  • discuss how an artiste can be represented in different way for different outcomes 
  • understand how this is achieved 
  • reflect on the effect this has on the target audience

Who is Stephen Gately? ...he's here
Read Jan Moir's original article in the Daily Mail hereThen look at the write-up of the Moir article in the Guardian here  and Charlie Brooker's interpretation here
Write a short essay (400 wrds ish) that includes:
  • a description of the Stephen Gately article
  • the counter argument i.e, why the public reacted so strongly
  • discuss the audience of both the Daily Mail and the Guardian newspapers and comment on how this effects the content of the articles

Monday, 9 July 2012

AOB 5 (Music Video) DIstribution and Ownership

Aim: by completing this assessment you will be able to understand distribution channels and ownership patterns within the media sector.

To be awarded a distinction you must:

  • compare a wide range of distribution channels and ownership patterns. 
  • compare using a range of criteria and assess the effectiveness of different methods of distribution and of ownership patterns.

Read through the presentation below.
Undertaking independent research and using the web, create a set of presentation slides for your blog that evidence your understanding of the following:

  • Artists on Major Labels / Artists with Vanity labels / Artists on Independent Labels
  • Pros and Cons of being on a Major Label
  • Pros and Cons of being on an Independent Label
Next,  study this 'one-sheet' for the Artiste Ava Lamert
  • Create your very own distributors 'One-Sheet' - either using your unit 2 CD design or an existing band.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

AOB 6 Regulation (Music Video)

By completing this assessment objective you will gain an understanding in to the roles and responsibilities of regulatory bodies in relation to Music Videos.

1.Watch the Rihanna music video below that is part of the Regulation playlist.
Read about the function of Ofcom
Study this document regarding a complaint to Ofcom that featues the Video.
Link to rule 1.3
Write a short essay discussing the case and whether you agree or disagree with the outcome reached by Ofcom. 

2. Watch the remainder of the videos on the playlist.
Make notes whilst watching them as to why you believe they have been included in the list.

Monday, 2 July 2012

AOB 4 Music Video (Representation)

Aim:  By completing this task you should be able to:
  • discuss how an artiste can be represented in different way for different outcomes 
  • understand how this is achieved 
  • reflect on the effect this has on the target audience 
  • comprehend both the 'Effects model' and 'Uses and Gratifications theory' 